Digital infrastructure for service sector


  • Rimma R. Fatkullina Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Rep. of Tatarstan, Russia)



digital technologies, digital infrastructure, services sphere, service tasks, tourism


The article discusses the possibilities of computerization, communication and data processing as an infrastructure for the service sector. The author applies method of analysis for tourism and service problems consideration, and digital technologies for its solving. Comparison of the goals of using digital technologies made it possible to aggregate the main application areas of digitalization, highlighting, in particular, the innovation in the geoinformation technologies for spatially distributed data is «artificial intelligence». The following areas of digitalization for the service sector have been identified: a) 3-D visualization of objects, accompanied by a semantic media characteristic; b) statistical information processing for planning demand, income, as well as for management and situational decision-making; c) processing data from objects equipped with sensors, controllers and technical means of data transmission; d) communications of various communities, both educational and specialized professional, helping to deliver services and information to remote groups of consumers and colleagues. The tasks solved by means of information technologies in the service sector have been selected: data analytics, including marketing research, evaluation of projects, economic indicators, visualization in geographic information systems with an intelligent component, accumulation and processing of data in real time, communication of communities with using cloud technologies, etc. A generalization is made on the main digitalization technologies in the service sector: «cloud» technologies, geoinformation technologies, «smart city», information and communication technologies. The data of tourism and related knowledge processed digitally should give accelerated decision making, the feature of which is dynamic processing in real time (without large database storage) with intelligent processing of fuzzy information (knowledge bases).


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Author Biography

Rimma R. Fatkullina, Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Rep. of Tatarstan, Russia)

PhD in Biology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Fatkullina Р. Р. (2022). Digital infrastructure for service sector. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(1/98), 19–27.

