The study of technology transfer in 1950-1960, with the states of the HPR, the DDR and the CSSR as the basis of cruise shipbuilding in the USSR


  • Gleb V. Aleksushin Samara State University of Economics (Samara, Russia)
  • Irina Yu. Solomina Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)



cruise tourism, transfer of scientific knowledge, technology transfer, historical and logical method of research, ship production, cruise fleet SSSR


The article is devoted to the study of technology transfer in 1950-1960, with the states of the HPR, the DDR and the CSSR as the basis of cruise shipbuilding in the USSR. The peculiarities of shipbuilding in the USSR in the post-war period, which are the result of a scientific and technical transfer, were revealed. The article presents the concepts of scientific and technical transfer, highlighted and described its types. Based on the historical and logical method, which is a set of techniques that allow reconstructing the logic of historical processes associated with the transfer of scientific knowledge and technologies in the shipbuilding after the Second World War. The article shows that the essence of the transfer is the improvement of Soviet steamships and ships, which, being the successors of pre-revolution HPR, DDR, CSSR, which were built by Germany in them in the 1930s, with the aim of creating river and sea vessels for the German army. Since these factories for the USSR became "trophies" of the Red Army due to a change in the political course of development of these countries after World War II. As a result of this scientific transfer, improved river and sea vessels appeared in the USSR, which became the basis for organizing river cruises. The article presents material on scientific transfer in legal proceedings implemented in projects: 737 in 1949 in the HPR, 785 in 1952 in CSSR, 646 in 1953 and 588 in 1954 in the DDR.


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Author Biographies

Gleb V. Aleksushin, Samara State University of Economics (Samara, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in History, Associate Professor

Irina Yu. Solomina, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Aleksushin Г. В., & Solomina И. Ю. (2021). The study of technology transfer in 1950-1960, with the states of the HPR, the DDR and the CSSR as the basis of cruise shipbuilding in the USSR. Services in Russia and Abroad, 15(5/97), 37–49.




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