Customization as a tool for individualization of learning in the context of integration of educational organizations


  • Viktor Ya. Ivanchenko Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Donetsk)



customization, integration, educational organizations, individualization of learning, digital technologies, adaptive tests, modeling, competencies, boxed solution, facilitation


The article defines the transformational processes that are observed in education and in the activities of educational organizations in the post-teen period. The role of distance and digital technologies in the field of educational services during the period of integration of educational organizations to improve the status and level of received and acquired competencies is outlined. It is determined that modern models of society development stimulate the transition to a new comprehensive method of customization of students of higher educational institutions, and the customization of training is considered as a basic strategy for the development of education, focusing on both the employer and the student. The author's development of a model of organization of customization as a tool for individualization of learning is presented, which, unlike existing ones, includes technologies based on intelligent analysis of learning models: adaptive tests; course modeling (maximum fragmentation into modules to accurately identify gaps in knowledge); student's independent choice of the learning trajectory; additional modules for elite training (research and project activities); based on the collection of data from employers: training seminars for practicing practical skills (with the involvement of specialists); simulation training methods (business games, game design); highly specialized professional cases, the fundamental use of which will allow the integration process in the educational environment to be carried out as efficiently as possible. Examples of the wide application of EdTech technological educational projects are presented and their specific features of use in the field of education are determined.


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Author Biography

Viktor Ya. Ivanchenko, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Donetsk)



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How to Cite

Ivanchenko В. Я. (2022). Customization as a tool for individualization of learning in the context of integration of educational organizations. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(3/100), 121–132.

