Determination of the natural and ecological potential of St. Petersburg as the basis for the ecological tourism development


  • Denis I. Olifir Pushkin Leningrad State University (Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia)



Saint Petersburg, urban environment, ecological tourism, natural and ecological potential, green spaces, natural objects, nature reserves, natural monuments, parks, gardens


The research is focused on ecological tourism, the main objects of which are specially protected natural areas (SPNA) and other natural objects (gardens, parks, squares, etc.). The study is aimed at spatial analysis of the natural and ecological potential and determine the prospects for the ecological tourism development in the administrative districts of St. Petersburg. The hypothesis of the study is the determination of the natural and ecological potential of the administrative districts of St. Petersburg and its rational use in organizing ecological tours and excursions should contribute to the manifestation of ecological and socio-economic effects. The methodology for analyzing the natural and ecological potential of St. Petersburg is based on the indicators of the provision of the territory and population with green spaces in the administrative districts of St. Petersburg, determination of their spatial configuration and the identification of potential natural objects for the ecological tourism development. The conducted research shows that the main objects of ecological tourism are in areas adjacent to the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Also, the article identifies the point natural objects of the urban environment, which can also be used in ecotourism activities. Based on the identified natural and ecological potential and the considered experience of other protected areas located near cities, the author gives the proposals for the ecological tourism development in St. Petersburg. The results of the work can be used in tour operator activities in the developing ecological tours and excursions, as well as in the activities of regional authorities in the creating documents on territorial planning, nature management and environmental protection. The directions of future research on this topic should be aimed at identifying socially significant natural and ecological objects that can be used in ecological tourism using appropriate methods. Another direction is to study the positive experience of the functioning of ecological tourism facilities and substantiate the possibilities of its application in urban natural areas.


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Author Biography

Denis I. Olifir, Pushkin Leningrad State University (Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Olifir Д. И. (2021). Determination of the natural and ecological potential of St. Petersburg as the basis for the ecological tourism development. Services in Russia and Abroad, 15(1/93), 109–121.

