Special problems of the mechanism for implementing public-private partnership projects in Russia





public-private partnership, institutional environment, inter-budgetary transfers


The purpose of the article is to identify private problems in the implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) projects, through the allocation of financing mechanisms by public entities for PPP projects and the formation of directions for their improvement. The author models the enlarged zonal parts of the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Russia, highlighting the impact of the regulatory and institutional environment on the leading subjects of the Russian Federation. This makes it possible to assess the development of infrastructure within the framework of complex national projects of the country. As a result of data analysis, it is possible to judge the insufficiently developed mechanism of budget planning in relation to the redistribution of funds for the implementation of PPP projects, which is noted by particular problems of allocation of funds. The results obtained indicate the need for legislative procedures in the field of budget allocation of funds in order to achieve high expected performance from public-private partnership projects.


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Author Biography

Irina I. Kruzhkova, Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch of RANEPA (Orel, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kruzhkova И. И. (2022). Special problems of the mechanism for implementing public-private partnership projects in Russia. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(3/100), 146–153. https://doi.org/10.24412/1995-042X-2022-3-146-153

