Socio-economic basis for forming the service sector development strategy in an unstable external environment


  • Artur A. Azaryan Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Donetsk)



socio-economic basis, development strategy, service sector, unstable external environment, social activity, state programs, strategic management


The subject of the research is the service sector and the process of forming the service sector development strategy. The research is aimed at studying the socio-economic basis for the formation of a service sector development strategy in an unstable external environment. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the socio-economic basis for the formation of a strategy for the service sector development in an unstable external environment caused by the pandemic. The methodological basis of this article is based on empirical research methods, namely, the study of information sources related to the theoretical issues of forming a socio-economic basis for the formation of a service sector development strategy in an unstable external environment. The scientific results are the monitoring the service sector in Russia and abroad, determining the impact of the pandemic on the service sector development. The author determined that the socio-economic basis for forming a service sector development strategy in an unstable external environment should be based, on the one hand, on the main directions of social activity of the state and differentiation of state programs, and on the other, on the analysis of the main sources of financial resources - their availability, risk level and efficiency of use, as well as an assessment of their potential capacity in the service sector. The article presented a mechanism for strategic management of enterprises and other economic entities in the service sector developed by the author. The scope of application of the research results will be enterprises and organizations in the service sector, the service sector, and strategic planning departments. Future research will focus on modelling strategies for the development of the service sector in an unstable external environment, namely, the formation of a strategy for the economic development of primary and aggregated links in the service sector, strategies for adapting enterprises and other economic entities in the service sector to the conditions of a competitive market environment, and the development of strategic management of enterprises and other economic entities in the service sector.


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Author Biography

Artur A. Azaryan, Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (Donetsk)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Azaryan А. А. (2020). Socio-economic basis for forming the service sector development strategy in an unstable external environment. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(4/91), 33–43.

