Management aspect of sociocultural projecting (using the example of interregional museum exhibition “Secrets of antiquities and rock paintings of Siberia and the Far East”)


  • Arthur А. Khatkevich Scientific and Educational Center “Museum of Siberia and the Far East” (Moscow, Russia)
  • Olga V. Sashnina Paleontological Museum of Institute of Geology and Environmental Management of the FEB RAS (Blagoveshchensk, Russia)



sociocultural projecting, management, interregional museum exhibition, Siberia and the Far East, tourist destinations, territory brands


The article considers management aspect of sociocultural projecting through the example of interregional museum exhibition “Secrets of antiquities and rock paintings of Siberia and the Far East”. In the research the authors study theoretical foundations of sociocultural projecting management, conception of project realization territory functioning. The interregional museum exhibition is considered in the context of promoting tourist destinations and territorial branding. The article formulates the specifics of managing this project are, and presents the results of SWOT-analysis of the management of interregional museum projects. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the importance of design in modern times. Analysis of managing a specific project is relevant in the framework of the modern development of the sociocultural sphere.


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Author Biographies

Arthur А. Khatkevich, Scientific and Educational Center “Museum of Siberia and the Far East” (Moscow, Russia)


Olga V. Sashnina, Paleontological Museum of Institute of Geology and Environmental Management of the FEB RAS (Blagoveshchensk, Russia)

Head of the Museum


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How to Cite

Khatkevich А. А., & Sashnina О. В. (2020). Management aspect of sociocultural projecting (using the example of interregional museum exhibition “Secrets of antiquities and rock paintings of Siberia and the Far East”). Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(4/91), 80–93.

