Зарубежный опыт управления в сфере экологического туризма: тренды и модели развития





ecological tourism, eco-safe forms of ecological tourism, nature-oriented tourism, world practices of ecological tourism management, the system of state regulation in the field of ecological tourism


At the present stage of the tourism industry development ecological directions of tourism are of particular importance. In Russia, ecological tourism is understood a priority direction, because it allow to use wildlife as the main resource of remote regions untouched by economic activities and poorly provided with tourist infrastructure. And the current environmental crisis in urbanized and industrial zones, forms not only the need to create recreational areas and the greening of all forms of activity, but also determines the population's need for ecological forms of recreation. The development of ecological tourism in Russia cannot be effective without considering foreign experience, both positive and negative. The article attempts to systematize the experience of development and management of ecological tourism in the leading countries. The article identifies eight ecotourism development models, each of them is characterized, and individual cases are studied. Based on the study of the leading experience, the author formulates and characterizes the ecological tourism development trends in modern conditions.


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Author Biography

Alexandra V. Afanasieva, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Afanasieva А. В. (2020). Зарубежный опыт управления в сфере экологического туризма: тренды и модели развития. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(3/90), 27–56. https://doi.org/10.24411/1995-042X-2020-10303

