Branding of territories with participation of stakeholders


  • Irina Yu. Ponomareva Tula State University (Tula, Russia)
  • Tamara A. Tankieva Tula State University (Tula, Russia)



territory branding, destination branding, brand development, tourist brand, city brand, branding complexity, territory marketing, stakeholders, city logos, tourism potential


Solving the social and economic problems, which the regions face in competitive conditions among the areas for capital, investors, residents, labor resources and visitors, require promotion and branding on both domestic and foreign markets. In addition, the strategies of social and economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation specified tourism as one of the potential or priority directions of economic development of the region. The article considers the branding of the territory as a tourist destination with the participation of major stakeholders. The research is based on the data obtained in the course of the project "Brands of small towns in Tula Oblast", on the results of the survey of potential consumers of tourist and sightseeing services by the questionnaire method and on the information obtained from the participants during the unstructured interview. Branding research of fourteen county centers belonging to the one territorial unit, conducted simultaneously on the basis of one methodology, eliminates factors related to the specifics of the region and a scenario of brand development. Small towns, industrial settlements and villages, monotowns and historical towns of national and regional importance represented county centers. The purpose of the research is to analyze the main aspects of territory branding with the participation of stakeholders, as well as to identify the impact of social and economic characteristics of the territory, its cultural and historical heritage and tourism potential on the developing brand. The obtained results can be applied by the territorial authorities in the development of the region, city or settlement brand and implementation of the strategy of tourism development. The research is focused on the territories included in the central federal district or regions with similar tourist potential.


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Author Biographies

Irina Yu. Ponomareva , Tula State University (Tula, Russia)

PhD in Engineering, Professor

Tamara A. Tankieva , Tula State University (Tula, Russia)

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ponomareva И. Ю., & Tankieva Т. А. (2020). Branding of territories with participation of stakeholders. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(3/90), 97–114.




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