Costume design for theme parks: the functions and project features


  • Dar'ya Yu. Ermilova Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)



theme parks, ethnic parks, amusement park, entertainment tourism, ethnographic tourism, costume design, cultural tradition


The article is devoted to the design of costume for theme parks. The purpose of this research is to analyze the functions of the costume in creating a thematic space in an entertainment and ethnopark. Tasks of the study is-to identify the features of designing a costume for theme parks. The article is focused on the costume in a theme park, namely on its functions and design. Research hypothesis is in the idea that theme park creation is aimed at making appropriate atmosphere for visitors using the technology of thematization, while the authenticity of the elements of the subject-spatial environment is not important. It means that all parts of park infrastructure must match the theme, including the costumes of employees who create recognizable expressive images and evoke a strong emotional response from visitor. Designing costumes for theme parks apply the techniques and methods characteristic of the design of the era of postmodernism. The author formulates main functions that should be performed by the personnel costumes, among them are following: the costumes of the personnel of ethoparks should meet more stringent requirements for authenticity and compliance with tradition. The article justifies an idea to design costumes not only for the staff, but also for renting to visitors for photo sessions and creating a theatrical atmosphere. Features of designing costumes for ethnic parks and theme parks are shown using the examples of diploma projects of students of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service. The research results fill in insufficiently developed areas in the study of the design and operation of theme parks. The problem of costume design for theme parks requires further study and practical implementation in project activities.


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Author Biography

Dar'ya Yu. Ermilova, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Philosophy, Professor


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How to Cite

Ermilova Д. Ю. (2020). Costume design for theme parks: the functions and project features. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(2/89), 78–88.

