Development prospects of Tver Oblast as a gastronomic destination


  • Yuliya V. Bodrova Tver State University (Tver, Russia)



Tver Oblast (region), gastronomic tourism, gastronomic branding, Tver cuisine


One of the promising areas of territory sustainable development is gastronomic tourism. Along with the rich cultural, historical and natural potential, the inclusion of a gastronomic component in the tourism sector helps to attract additional tourist flows seeking to get authentic information and impressions of the tourist destination. The food brands are the basis of the territory's gastronomic image. In this regard, the formation of a recognizable local "delicious" brand and its promotion strategy are of particular importance. The purpose of the research is to determine the prospects of using local gastronomic brands to promote Tver region as a gastronomic destination. The research tasks include assessing the readiness of the regional hospitality industry to apply food traditions in the design of a high-quality competitive tourist product. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the study of gastronomic identity as a mechanism for promoting territories as a unique tourist destination. The study is accomplished based on scientific research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization, description, observation. Currently, the gastronomic identity of Tver region is popularized mainly through event events. Food companies are important objects of gastronomic tourism and a tool for branding territories. The studying the regional market of restaurant services allows us to conclude that this resource is not viable. Only some dishes of Tver cuisine are found in the menu of local catering companies that serve tourists. Food production companies are making more successful attempts to create cultural and production centers and gastronomic souvenirs on their base to promote, first of all, their own corporate brand. The active revival of culinary traditions by local entrepreneurs and the creation of authentic food and service products on their basis necessitates the creation of food museums, which have proven to be an effective tool for gastronomic branding. Actualization of the culinary heritage in the formation of a tourist product, and consolidation of representatives of the public and private sectors in this direction make it possible to predict the sustainable development of Tver region as a gastronomic destination.


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Author Biography

Yuliya V. Bodrova, Tver State University (Tver, Russia)

PhD in History, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bodrova Ю. В. (2020). Development prospects of Tver Oblast as a gastronomic destination. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(2/89), 99–111.

