Excursion weekend: Suburbs of Ufa by the eyes of S. T. Aksakov


  • Tatyana P. Kotova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)
  • Lyubov D. Matveeva Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)
  • Olga A. Khayretdinova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)




tourism, weekend tour, country tour


The article explores the semantic meaning and concepts of weekend tour and excursion. And if in Russia the tour and excursion are different concepts, then abroad there are any differences between them, weekends are organized in all possible ways without duration criterion. Bashkir region is not only a land of wonderful nature, but also a bridge between the West and the East, Christianity and Islam, the Slavic and Turkic worlds. The potential of weekend cultural and educational tourism in the Republic is significant, but it is not fully used. The purpose of this project is to expand tourist and excursion offers, to encourage residents and visitors of the city to educational leisure on weekends. In our region, there is a high interest in the Aksakov theme. Every year in September, the international Aksakov holiday is held. Ufa is the small birthplace of S. T. Aksakov and the place of his son Grigory's gubernatorial service. There are memorial places outside Bashkir capital. The tourist center is the village of Nadezhdino in the Belebeyevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, once a family estate with a manor where S. T. Aksakov, along with his wife and children, lived for several years, and where today there is a historical and cultural center. A weekend thematic tour of the works of our countryman S. T. Aksakov is based on the idea of reading excerpts from the writer's works and at the same time visually getting acquainted with the surroundings of Ufa described by him. Despite the close attention to the heritage of S. T. Aksakov, a large information layer dedicated to the Ufa surroundings was released from the field of view of guides. Aksakov's memories of the country estates of the Ufa nobles, their occupations, entertainment, nomad cuisine and kumysolechenie are priceless, and addressing them is a fascinating and informative activity.


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Author Biographies

Tatyana P. Kotova, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in History, Associate Professor

Lyubov D. Matveeva, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in History, Professor, Honored Education Worker of the Russian Federation

Olga A. Khayretdinova, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kotova Т. П., Matveeva Л. Д., & Khayretdinova О. А. (2020). Excursion weekend: Suburbs of Ufa by the eyes of S. T. Aksakov. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(2/89), 112–125. https://doi.org/10.24411/1995-042X-2020-10210

