New technologies of practice-oriented training for the tourism industry


  • Elena D. Silina Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)



education in sphere tourism and service, highly qualified staff, tourism industry, is an innovative type of education, qualification, training


The article presents an innovative practice-oriented teaching method for students mastering the specialty "Tourism" at bachelor's level, developed and implemented in the Tourism Workshop of the Russian state University of Tourism and Service. The article deals with methodological approaches aimed at overcoming the problematic aspects of mastering practical skills in the process of preparing students for work in tourism, caused by the gap in theoretical training and the need on the part of business for specific practical skills of graduates. The period of adaptation of a young specialist in production becomes too long, and the employer spends a lot of money on postgraduate training of a young specialist. This situation is the reason for the growing contradiction between the system of higher education in training personnel for the tourism industry and the modern tourist business. In this situation, higher education needs to change the technology of training and move from technology of knowledge transfer to technology of training with the acquisition of experience. The article summarizes more than three years of practical experience teach students the practices of tourism, reveals the forms and methods of teaching and motivating students, developed in RSUTS, detail the specialty businesses and tourism, which could employ graduates of specialty "Tourism" after the training the practical skills presented at the innovative program. The author determines her own point of view on the further development of similar training programs for students and advanced training of teachers leading tourism disciplines.


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Author Biography

Elena D. Silina, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

Senior Teacher


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How to Cite

Silina Е. Д. (2020). New technologies of practice-oriented training for the tourism industry. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(2/89), 157–165.

