The business model concept based on a digital information platform




digital information platform, information and communication technologies, business model, IT services operator, system efficiency


The article forms the structure of a business system with elements of MaaS - technologies as a network, consisting of a large number of interconnected participants benefiting “from each other” and mutual effectiveness, determined the levels of subjective relationships in the system, as well as areas of information, financial and regulatory streams. Services based on the MaaS digital information platform allow creating new ways to manage the offers of individual service providers, which requires the development of universal schemes for business models of MaaS system operators, revealing a wide range of key partners and customers, as well as revenue sources. The PPP model may be particularly suitable in rural or sparsely populated areas where the combination of logistics services, as well as transporting school and government social services with MaaS, is important for efficiency and maintaining an appropriate level of social services.


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Author Biography

Elmira R. Khairullina, Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Rep. of Tatarstan, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Pedagogy, Professor


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How to Cite

Khairullina Э. Р. (2020). The business model concept based on a digital information platform. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(1/88), 34–42.

