Tourism as a priority direction for spatial development of the regions of the Russian Federation


  • Valentina S. Varivoda Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russia)



tourism, tourism and recreational resources, tourism and recreational space, regional development, spatial strategic planning


The development of the regions of the Russian Federation is linked to the implementation of various national projects. Tourism, as one of the priority fields of regional development, is one of the important driving forces for the development of the socio-economic component of their territories. Although there is a great variety of scientific approaches and positions in calculating grants, subsidies for tourism development in the regions, there is currently no single methodology for spatial development of territories that takes into account the sectoral aspect. The elaboration of a common tourism development concept at the federal level requires a clearly defined tourism development concept at the regional and municipal levels, as well as a clearly approved format for drawing up master plans for the development of tourist areas. It should be justified by established statistical indicators, which will help to consider the differences of tourist and recreational resources of the territories and highlight their specialization in the types of tourism offered. Effective spatial strategizing of tourism areas and informed decision-making are only possible if they are in place. Developing a methodology for spatial development of territories, taking into account the sectoral aspect, will promote the development of tourism as a priority area for spatial development of the regions of the Russian Federation. The results of the study can be used by public authorities and local governments in the formation of master plans and development plans of tourist areas, spatial strategies of tourist and recreational development.


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Author Biography

Valentina S. Varivoda, Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Varivoda В. С. (2022). Tourism as a priority direction for spatial development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(5/102), 56–65.

