The countryside sustainable development through tourism as an alternative source for income of rural population


  • Irina D. Shakhramanian Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russia)



sustainable development, rural areas, rural population, rural tourism, employment, clusters


Rural tourism is one of the subspecies of domestic tourism. It is currently gaining popularity among tourists and subjects of rural tourism, largely due to grant programs of state support. It should be noted that rural tourism is an effective mechanism for the socio–economic development of rural areas all over the world. In reducing the agricultural sector of the economy rural tourism creates opportunities to improve the financial and economic condition of rural residents, and allows to increase the level of employment, improves the quality of work and living conditions of the rural population. The research results and studying the experience of other countries show that the rural tourism development allows rural residents to get not only economic, but also socio-cultural benefits. Rural tourism is a classic variant of sustainable tourism. It contributes to the developing rural infrastructure, improving the quality of life in rural areas, increasing rural incomes, creating jobs, supporting and preserving traditions and culture, preserving the environment. The article describes the development trends in rural tourism in the world and Russia, identifies the need for interdepartmental and intersectoral cooperation for the successful development of rural tourism. Also, a cluster approach to the organization of rural tourism for the achievement of sustainable development of rural areas is proposed.


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Author Biography

Irina D. Shakhramanian, Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russia)

PhD student


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How to Cite

Shakhramanian И. Д. (2022). The countryside sustainable development through tourism as an alternative source for income of rural population. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(5/102), 116–124.




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