Training methods for emotional and cross-cultural competence of personnel working in the hotel contact zone


  • Svetlana A. Stepanova Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
  • Olga V. Arkhipova Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
  • Anna S. Skobeltsyna Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)



hotel enterprise, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, cross-cultural interaction, hospitality industry


Cross-cultural and emotional competence of employees is an important aspect of strategic and corporate management in the hotel industry. The authors of the article focus on the problem of cross-cultural and emotional competence of the personnel working in the contact zone of a hotel enterprise. The article preliminary reveals the specificity of cross-cultural interaction in the hotel business and substantiates the need to consider the cross-cultural characteristics of customers of different nationalities in servicing at hospitality enterprises. The staff emotional intelligence is very important in hospitality industry. The authors emphasize significance of emotional intelligence in the emotional competence of the personnel of the contact zone: it helps to build effective communications, create emotionally balanced working relationships and reveal the hidden potential of each employee of the team. Methods for the formation and development of cultural and emotional intelligence are singled out, and types of events are considered, among which both educational projects and active teaching methods occupy a special place – cultural assimilators, attributive trainings, business games, seminars, master classes, incentive programs. The authors make a conclusion that emotional and cultural intelligence are extremely important competencies of hospitality workers. At the same time, emotional and cross-cultural skills need to be developed to be continuously adapting to new realities.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana A. Stepanova, Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Associated Professor

Olga V. Arkhipova, Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Philosophy

Anna S. Skobeltsyna, Saint-Petersburg State Economic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

PhD in Culturology


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How to Cite

Stepanova С. А., Arkhipova О. В., & Skobeltsyna А. С. (2022). Training methods for emotional and cross-cultural competence of personnel working in the hotel contact zone. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(5/102), 166–176.

