Pricing factors for hotel services in accommodation facilities


  • Vladimir V. Shcherbakov Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса (Москва, РФ)
  • Alexey V. Demenev Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)



service of accommodation facilities, hotel services, features of the services of accommodation facilities, tangible goods, intangible service, objects of accommodation facilities, hotel business based on accommodation facilities


Article is devoted to the study of pricing factors in the field of hotel services and the formation of the pricing policy of accommodation facilities. The study conducted by the authors showed the growing importance of accommodation facilities in meeting the needs of tourists, which is substantiated by the authors N. N. Danilenko, O. A. Suranova, that “… differentiation of the needs of tourists predetermines the diversity of directions for the development of accommodation facilities.” The analysis showed that there are offers in all price segments - low, medium and high. Local distribution across the country is quite heterogeneous. The largest number of accommodation facilities is observed near large agglomerations, as well as near historical and cultural sites and display facilities. Except for the Krasnodar Krai, high-quality individual accommodation facilities are not widely distributed in the southern region. The analysis of pricing revealed the dependence of the cost indicators of accommodation facilities without the inclusion of related services, as a rule, lower than in analogues, with complex hotel services. This is due to large investments in capital expenditures for construction, logistics, infrastructure and personnel. It should be noted that the level of service and the condition of the accommodation facilities does not always correspond to the price. This may be due to the lack of regulations, standards for accommodation facilities. The authors single out a comprehensive improvement in the quality of guest service as a competitive advantage of a hotel enterprise as a factor in the sustainable development of the hotel services sector based on accommodation facilities.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Shcherbakov, Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса (Москва, РФ)

Master’s Degree student

Alexey V. Demenev, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Engineering; Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shcherbakov В. В., & Demenev А. В. (2023). Pricing factors for hotel services in accommodation facilities. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(2/104), 96–105.

