Tools for the development of the mechanism of anti-crisis management of housing and communal services enterprises


  • Andrey Yu. Brylov Perm State National Research University (Perm, Russia)



regulatory instruments, mechanism, anti-crisis management, economic security, housing and communal services, financial and economic recovery, tariff policy


The article examines the general state of housing and communal services and trends in further improving the quality of management in the industry, considering the balance of social and economic criteria. The quality and safety of services provided by housing and communal services enterprises significantly depend on the material and technical condition of the housing stock and communications. The activities of industry entities are associated with significant structural and industry restrictions that significantly reduce financial and economic indicators and affect the reduction in the number of companies in the regions. At the same time, the implementation of some measures may have a mitigating anti-crisis effect based on the choice of optimal tools for managing the functional activities of housing and communal services enterprises: financial and economic recovery, including tariff policy, restructuring of liabilities and debt control, risk management of maintenance and depreciation of fixed assets. The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate effective tools implemented in the practice of economic regulation of housing and communal services enterprises, which will affect the improvement of the functioning of the anti-crisis management mechanism in this area. The research develops the scientific and theoretical foundations for the formation of an anti-crisis management mechanism based on the choice of regulatory instruments for some functional areas of activity of specialized enterprises in the industry. The study presents a developed model of the mechanism of financial recovery of the housing and communal complex, as well as a management model for ensuring economic security in housing and communal services. The organizational structure of the economic security system of housing and communal complex enterprises is considered. The analysis of the feasibility of implementing the tariff policy in the housing and utilities sector is carried out. The significant role of the strategy of sustainable functioning and development of the industry, key conditions and criteria for evaluating the implementation of program measures and indicators characterizing the level of achievement of the goal, directions for improving state regulation of housing and communal services on the basis of an anti-crisis approach to management is outlined.


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Author Biography

Andrey Yu. Brylov, Perm State National Research University (Perm, Russia)

PhD student


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How to Cite

Brylov А. Ю. (2023). Tools for the development of the mechanism of anti-crisis management of housing and communal services enterprises. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(2/104), 164–173.

