Academic writing skills in the tourism personnel training for the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Anastasia V. Gubarenko International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)
  • Madina N. Abdikarimova International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)
  • Alina A. Pestova International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)
  • Tatyana V. Imangulova International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)



academic writing, tourism education, tourism, discipline


In this article, the authors reveal the role of academic writing skills in the educational and professional activities of specialists in the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as methods of their development in the process of studying the educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Introduction to Academic Writing" developed by the authors for several educational programs. The purpose and result of the study was a step-by-step analysis of the effectiveness of the methods for mastering special competencies, academic writing skills, through the development and implementation the discipline "Introduction to Academic Writing". The authors, by means of a professional survey, identified the need for the formation of academic writing skills of future specialists in the tourism industry, formed core competencies, developed and tested methods of their development within a specific discipline, and also determined and argued the effectiveness of their implementation for the initial courses of higher education.


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Author Biographies

Anastasia V. Gubarenko, International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)

PhD, Acting Associate Professor

Madina N. Abdikarimova, International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)

PhD, Acting Associate Professor

Alina A. Pestova, International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)

PhD, Acting Associate Professor

Tatyana V. Imangulova, International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan)

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Gubarenko А. В., Abdikarimova М. Н., Pestova А. А., & Imangulova Т. В. (2023). Academic writing skills in the tourism personnel training for the Republic of Kazakhstan. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(2/104), 174–183.

