Tourism as a part of creative economy: A review of assessment methods


  • Marianna V. Yakimenko Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
  • Ekaterina A. Velichko Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)



creative economy, creative tourism, methods for assessing creative abilities


The article analyzes the research aimed at studying the role of tourism in the developing the creative economy of territories. Currently, the issues of semantics of the conceptual apparatus of the creative economy remain controversial. Numerous definitions of “creative industries” and “creative tourism” proposed in international and Russian practice do not yet allow us to talk about creating and using a unified approach of assessing the contribution of tourism to creative economy. However, the analysis already allows us to say that tourism can (and should be considered) as one of the sectors of the creative economy, which is due to the very essence and specifics of the organization of this type of activity and the existing potential for the formation of synergistic ties with the majority of creative industries. The analysis of methods for assessing the creativity of territories showed that a number of them include the use of indicators characterizing the state of tourism, which also allows us to draw a conclusion about the potential of this industry within the framework of the development of the creative economy of territories. As a result of the analysis of calculations of the Index of Creative Potential of Russian Cities based on the VEB.RF Quality of Life Index, the article presents an assessment of the creative potential of cities in the Southern Federal District.


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Author Biography

Marianna V. Yakimenko, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Yakimenko М. В., & Velichko Е. А. (2023). Tourism as a part of creative economy: A review of assessment methods. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(5/107), 6–16.

