Priorities for scientific researches in creative industry


  • Tatyana G. Butova Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Yulia I. Cherkasova Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Elena P. Danilina Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
  • Larisa A. Danchenok Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
  • Shakizada U. Niyazbekova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Moscow Witte University (Moscow, Russia)
  • Svetlana L. Ulina Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)



creative industries, trends of creative industries theoretical research, differentiation of terminological directions, priority directions of creative industries theoretical research


The great creative potential of population and socio-cultural activities, information and digital technologies in Russia contributes to the active development of creative industries. Creative industries in developed countries considered a perspective sector of the economy that ensures economic growth in the global synergetic crisis. The government has increased support for creative industries by including them in the national Project «Culture» and developing appropriate government decisions. However, despite the creation of the Concept for the Development of Creative Industries and relevant documents, the growth of entrepreneurial activity in the creative sector lags significantly behind the events for their promotion (art forums, congresses, festivals and others). Increased state’s significant attention to the development of creative industries has initiated scientific research. Nevertheless, the growth of the number of publications has not solved terminological problems that make it difficult to understand basic terms, confuse practical, and research work. This required changes in legislation, the practice of forming state support for creative industries and assessing its effectiveness to understand the contribution of creative entrepreneurship to the economy. This actualizes the need to determine priority areas of theoretical research. The article shows the results of a study where the authors have identified and substantiated the directions of theoretical research in the field of creative industries. These conclusions will make it possible to achieve the set practical goals of improving the legislative framework and mechanisms for supporting the development of creative industries as a real sector of the economy.


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Author Biographies

Tatyana G. Butova , Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor

Yulia I. Cherkasova , Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Elena P. Danilina, Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor

Larisa A. Danchenok, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor

Shakizada U. Niyazbekova , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Moscow Witte University (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Svetlana L. Ulina , Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Butova Т. Г., Cherkasova Ю. И., Danilina Е. П., Danchenok Л. А., Niyazbekova Ш. У., & Ulina С. Л. (2023). Priorities for scientific researches in creative industry. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(5/107), 45–58.

