Analyzing the implementation of creative clusters in tourism at the regional level


  • Daria M. Kumova Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)



tourism, creative technologies, tourism cluster, artificial intelligence, innovation


Creative technologies have a direct impact on the development of the digital economy of countries. In addition to this factor, creative industries have a positive effect on the tourism development. Thus, according to international studies, creative industries influence the growth of tourism locally, namely, creative content, digital marketing form the image of tourism in the regions. The level of the traditional tourism model is reduced, the trend is shifting to the creation of a “unique” product. At the same time, business, infrastructure and authorities at the regional level impact on the promoting the tourist product. Significant differences in the implementation and functioning of creative industries are observed in countries with developed and developing economies. In Russia, creative technologies were initially introduced as subsidized sectors. In Europe, the industries in question became the "core" of creating innovative products at the intersection of creativity, information technology and business. The article analyzes the introduction of creative industries in Russia and abroad, studies the rating of innovative and tourist attractiveness of cities. Indices of innovative cities are considered. A simplified model of interaction between the creative sphere and business, the urban environment and tourism is presented. An analysis of the possibility of creating tourist creative clusters in the Rostov region is based on already created clusters of creative industries. Creative specializations presented in cities that are centers of tourism are considered. The article presents a model for managing a tourist creative cluster based on artificial intelligence technologies.


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Author Biography

Daria M. Kumova, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)



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How to Cite

Kumova Д. М. (2023). Analyzing the implementation of creative clusters in tourism at the regional level. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(5/107), 87–95.

