Sustainable development of natural areas in creative tourism


  • Olga A. Almukhamedova Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)



creative tourism, sustainable development, Republic of Adygea, specially protected natural areas, anthropogenic pressure


Currently, creative industries offer a variety of opportunities for the growth and development of tourism, including in natural areas. This leads to increase in demand, the attractiveness of locations, and the introduction of new creative products. The tourism development in natural areas should be conscious and sustainable. The article examines the data of official statistical sources, allowing to draw a conclusion about the direction of the internal tourist flow in 2023. The author analyzes the number of collective accommodation facilities and average consumer prices for accommodation and meals, the dynamics of the number of accommodations, the number of overnight stays, the average length of stay in collective accommodation facilities for the period 2020-2022 in the republics of Dagestan, North Ossetia-Alania, Adygea, Altai and Karelia. The article considers federal, regional and local reserves of the Republic of Adygea, as well as creative industries involved in attracting tourists to natural areas. As a result, a number of factors of negative impact on the specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Adygea, including from tourism, were identified. The impact of tourism on natural areas leads to the destruction of the landscape, and spontaneous creativity contributes to the emergence of a spontaneous load. The sustainable tourism development makes it possible to find a among nature, the interests of society and the economy. The introduction of environmentally friendly practices into mass tourism through creative tourism products in natural areas will contribute to the permissible anthropogenic load.


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Author Biography

Olga A. Almukhamedova , Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

PhD in Economics


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How to Cite

Almukhamedova О. А. (2023). Sustainable development of natural areas in creative tourism. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(5/107), 96–104.

