Animation technologies in the creative tourism industry


  • Elena N. Maslak Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)



creative tourism, animation technologies, creative industry, festivals, mass events


A modern tourist today is waiting for a wide base of proposals for the organization of recreation, so we can say that in a sense, he is spoiled by their abundance. Individual characteristics, life experience, outlook, the influence of mass media and advertising on consumers of tourist services force operators to look for new, non-standard ideas. A change of scenery, skillfully complemented by animation accompaniment, give possibility to make a trip unforgettable for everyone and is a kind of guarantee that tourists will use such a service again. The production and technological level make it possible to implement ideas for completely unusual animation programs. The involvement of vacationers in the creative process contributes to the disclosure of their potential and creative abilities. The concept on creative tourism is gaining momentum. It is associated not only with creativity and learning new skills acquired, for example, through participation in master classes, but also with communication, making it possible to remove various barriers, including language. The organization of creative tourism thus becomes a two-way process in which both organizers of recreation and tourists are involved. The analysis of foreign experience in this field allows us to determine the niche needs and opportunities of the Russian market, to consider the possibilities of their effective application. The article examines the most promising animation technologies of foreign and Russian practice used in event tourism and presents possible ways to expand them to attract tourists.


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Author Biography

Elena N. Maslak , Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Maslak Е. Н. (2023). Animation technologies in the creative tourism industry. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(5/107), 159–166.

