An analysis of industrial tourism through cluster approach to developing the Russian regions (the case of the tourist and recreational cluster "Tulsky")


  • Elena V. Gracheva Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Tula branch (Tula, Russia)



tourist and recreational cluster, industrial tourism, industrial heritage, integrated development of the territory, Tula region


The article is devoted to the study of the situation that has developed in the segment of industrial tourism, within the framework of the functioning of the territory of the tourist and recreational cluster "Tulsky". A general description of industrial (industrial) tourism as one of the ways of developing the regions of the Russian Federation is given, and a set of criteria for classifying objects of this type of tourism is presented. It is noted that industrial tourism in our country has grown to an independent direction, reaching such a level of popularity that the state paid attention to it. A number of special advantages of tourist and recreational clusters for different categories of participants in the hospitality industry market are highlighted, as well as the fact that the use of industrial tourism as a base in the formation of a cluster can bring good dividends - economic, image, educational and educational, stimulating the attraction of tourist flows to the region and confirming high scientific and technical potential of the region. It is shown that the development and active functioning of the Tulsky cluster, as well as other tourist clusters in the region, is in its infancy, as well as their management system is in the process of formation and development. It is clear that such a living process cannot proceed perfectly smoothly, and some of its costs have been indicated in the presented article. Based on the materials presented in the article and the application of an empirical approach, the author identified a number of problems that hinder the development of industrial tourism as a means of integrated development on the territory of the tourist and recreational cluster "Tulsky".


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Author Biography

Elena V. Gracheva, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Tula branch (Tula, Russia)

PhD in Economics


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How to Cite

Gracheva Е. В. (2023). An analysis of industrial tourism through cluster approach to developing the Russian regions (the case of the tourist and recreational cluster "Tulsky"). Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(7), 103–117.

