The modern business ecosystem model in roadside infrastructure of the region


  • Anatoliy I. Lesnikov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)
  • Tatiana P. Kotova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)



roadside service, business model, healthy food format, pilot project, ecosystem


The development of the business ecosystem in the conditions of roadside service affects the improvement of socio-economic indicators of the tourism industry. The key factors of the roadside business ecosystem development are identified, which are based on human needs in nutrition, accommodation, recreational services, and recreation. No less significant services that have become in demand by amateur tourists in recent years are wellness services, an authentic environment with excursion programs, prayer rooms, contact zoos and modern playgrounds (rooms). Mental - combined nutrition is a trend of the time in combination with a comfortable environment in accordance with modern tourist standards in the segment of roadside service is one of the important conditions determining the quality of economic and trade relations between regions, contributing to an increase in the level of organization of domestic tourism. Bashkortostan ranks second in the Russian Federation in terms of the length of public roads. According to official statistics, the length of public roads in the republic is 48607.3 km, including 795 km of federal roads, and new sections of federal highways are planned to be commissioned by 2024. An actual factor in the ecosystem of business processes, from the consumer's point of view, is the demand for a new format of nutrition in the roadside service system of the "foodauto" type with elements of combined and healthy nutrition. To implement the idea in the "foodauto" format, a pilot site is selected on the territory of a roadside complex, where the traffic flow should be at least 3 thousand cars per day. Organizational and technological processes of approbation and introduction of a new format of food determine the key requirements in connection with the annual increase in tourist flows and increased demand for mental cuisine, authentic environment, which encourages the search for new formats of food and quality of service, innovative approaches to improving the quality of tourist service.


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Author Biographies

Anatoliy I. Lesnikov, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Tatiana P. Kotova, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Ufa, Rep. of Bashkortostan, Russia)

PhD in History, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Lesnikov А. И., & Kotova Т. П. (2023). The modern business ecosystem model in roadside infrastructure of the region. Services in Russia and Abroad, 17(7), 202–213.

