Problems of ensuring the quality of hotel services in new conditions


  • Roman M. Arseniy Russian International Academy for Tourism (Khimki, Moscow region, Russia)



hotel, hotel services, tourism and hospitality industry, pandemic, special military operation, domestic tourism, hotel classification, quality of hotel services, categories of tourist complaints, customer expectations


Under the constraints caused by the coronavirus pandemic and geopolitical tensions, it is not easy for Russian hotel companies to maintain high quality standards. Domestic tourism remains a priority in the 2022 season, which implies a high load of hotels. Analyzing the results of the last tourist season, it is important for the participants of the tourism industry not to repeat mistakes and strive to meet the expectations of consumers in the new season, ensuring not only their own competitiveness, but also building trust in the domestic hotel classification system. The article provides an overview of the main problems in ensuring the quality of hotel services in the new conditions that cause dissatisfaction and consumer complaints. Tourists who are accustomed to foreign service and forced to choose a holiday within the country under restrictions have encountered examples of poor-quality service. Using data on the main complaints of tourists in the 2021 season, their content analysis and systematization were carried out, as a result of which six categories of complaints were formulated. Based on a survey of representatives of the tourism industry and consumers of hotel services, the categories of tourist complaints were ranked from the most significant and frequently occurring to the rarer ones. The article describes the measures of state quality control of hotel services, providing for the analysis of tourist appeals, monitoring prices and compliance by hotels with the requirements of the classification system. In conclusion, the article outlines proposals for organizing the activities of hotels in the field of providing high-quality guest service in new conditions.


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Author Biography

Roman M. Arseniy, Russian International Academy for Tourism (Khimki, Moscow region, Russia)

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Arseniy Р. М. (2022). Problems of ensuring the quality of hotel services in new conditions. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(3/100), 45–55.

