Innovative directions of local tourism development (Experience of the Republic of Khakassia)


  • Irina N. Troshkina Khakass Research Institute of Language Literature and History (Abakan, Rep. of Khakassia, Russia)


Khakassia, ethno-cultural tourism, agro-industrial tourism, ethno-agro-industrial tourism, rural tourism, tourism practices


The purpose of the article is to consider innovative tourism practices in the Republic of Khakassia. Research objectives: to form an idea of the development of tourism in the region, to present the experience of mass and small tourist products, the emerging ethno-agro-industrial tourist destination. The empirical base of the study was made up of statistical and empirical materials, reports of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Khakassia. Innovative tourism practices were considered, the experience of the formation of the ethno-agro-industrial direction of tourism in the region was revealed. The results of the study may be in demand when developing programs for the development of the tourism industry in modern Russian society. The author came to the following conclusions. Since the 2010s, the tourism sector of the Republic of Khakassia has been developing dynamically. There is an increase in the number of arrivals for tourist purposes, places of residence, the volume of paid services and tax revenues to the budget, there is a steady interest of travelers to the region in the conditions of a pandemic. The positive dynamics is due to the development of traditional (historical, cultural, health and wellness), the formation of innovative tourist services - forum, gastronomic, ski, functioning at various levels (international, regional). Innovative tourism practices are represented by mass and small tourist products, where the role of the former is noticeable. To date, there is the formation of an ethno-agro-industrial direction, as a phenomenon of a non-mass nature, represented by the synthesis of several tourist products (rural, industrial, ethnic). The development of innovative practices allow the system to function more efficiently, arousing the interest of tourists. In general, the dynamics of tourism products allows the territory to maintain a high rating for tourism potential (it is among the top three regions of the country), support for innovative tourism practices in Khakassia can become an additional source of economic development in the region and other subjects of the Russian Federation. The author's contribution is to reveal the problems of innovative practices of the region, this is agro-industrial tourism, which were not previously the object of special research.


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Author Biography

Irina N. Troshkina, Khakass Research Institute of Language Literature and History (Abakan, Rep. of Khakassia, Russia)

PhD in Philosophy


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How to Cite

Troshkina И. Н. (2022). Innovative directions of local tourism development (Experience of the Republic of Khakassia). Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(3/100), 64–75. Retrieved from

