Tourism, Anthropocene and Capitalocene: the state of the art of scientific production




Tourism, Anthropocene, Capitalocene, environmental crisis, capitalism, state of the art


From the geological perspective, the Anthropocene is considered the current geological epoch, replacing the Holocene, positioning humanity as a force that has substantially interfered on life on the planet. Nevertheless, from the perspective of environmental history, critical researchers believe that the most appropriate is the idea of Capitalocene, since the current environmental crisis is the result of the capitalist model of production and consumption. In the field of tourism, the theme of climate change has been increasingly disseminated and addressed in national and international publications, however, the Anthropocene or the Capitalocene are still little explored, even though tourism activities can be seen as one of the mechanisms used for capital reproduction. In this way, the article mapped the state of the art on the Anthropocene or the Capitalocene and tourism. Research has shown that, after 2014, some scholars have looked into the relationship between tourism and the Anthropocene. However, research is still incipient, focusing on some specific topics. The idea of Capitalocene is even less addressed, with a few researchers taking ownership of research in the field of tourism. Thus, there is a gap between research and the teaching of tourism itself, especially when it comes to more critical research, placing tourism as a key activity in the context of the experienced environmental crisis.


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Author Biography

Sandra Dalila Corbari, Federal University of Rio Grande | FURG (Carreiros, Rio Grande, Brazil)

PhD in Environment and Development, Professor


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How to Cite

Corbari, S. D. (2021). Tourism, Anthropocene and Capitalocene: the state of the art of scientific production. Services in Russia and Abroad, 15(4/96), 67–80.

