Development of local systems in tourism and recreation (the case of Volga Federal District): The analysis and prospects


  • Vladimir V. Lezhnin Volgatech University of Technology (Mari El Republic, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
  • Anna N. Poluhina Volgatech University of Technology (Mari El Republic, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)



tourism and recreation, tourism economics, local systems, tourism infrastructure, business entities, Volga Federal District


In recent years several regions of Volga Federal District demonstrate significant increase in the indicators of the tourism and recreation sector: modernization of the existing and the emergence of new tourism infrastructure, the emergence of new collective and individual accommodation facilities, an increase in the number of tourist flows, creation of new jobs for the population, the emergence of an increase in effective demand, etc. But not all regions of the Volga Federal District have such positive dynamic, but mainly for large cities and centers, where a large amount of resources are invested in the tourism and recreation sector. The article is aimed at the analysis of the management of local systems of Volga Federal District; identification of prospects and problems of their development; analysis of the main indicators in the field of tourism and recreation in the regions of Volga Federal District. The article identifies and summarizes the main development indicators of local systems in the field of tourism and recreation, provides statistical data from the regions of Volga Federal District on the current state of this area. The analysis of the factors restraining the rate of increase in the competitiveness of the functioning of local systems is carried out, based on the analysis, diagrams are constructed that visually characterize the problem. The article presents the main methods and ways of development of local systems in the tourist and recreational sphere through the example of the regions of Volga Federal District, as well as the quantitative and qualitative development indicators of local systems in the tourist and recreational sphere in the regions of Volga Federal District. As a result of the analysis of local systems in the tourist and recreational sphere of Volga Federal District, the main conclusions and results of the study were proposed.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Lezhnin, Volgatech University of Technology (Mari El Republic, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Anna N. Poluhina, Volgatech University of Technology (Mari El Republic, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Lezhnin В. В., & Poluhina А. Н. (2021). Development of local systems in tourism and recreation (the case of Volga Federal District): The analysis and prospects. Services in Russia and Abroad, 15(4/96), 134–150.

