Improvement directions of the state stimulation system of eco-innovations in tourism industry


  • Svetlana I. Mishulina Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia)



tourism industry, “green” economy, eco-innovations, mechanisms for eco-innovations stimulation


Domestic and foreign investigations of the last decade strongly prove the fact that under the aggravation of ecological problems and global competition toughening in dynamically developing world economy tourist sector the introduction and application of ecological innovations is considered by firms and destinations primarily as an effective tool for risk management and increase of business competitiveness due to the differentiation of their tourist product. The widespread use of eco-innovations helps them to raise their tourism offer quality, meets the growing eco-expectations of tourists and the requirements of regulators. At the same time comparatively low innovative activity of tourism business is observed what is associated both with the relative novelty of eco-innovations concept, with the lack of its theoretical and methodological support, and with small and middle-sized businesses without clear and intelligible incentives for environmental innovative modernization with obviously not enough state support of the processes. The article analyses how the eco-innovation concept is forming. As for the domestic investigators the lack of attention to the problems of ecological innovative modernization of tourism industry is observed as well as their identification of eco-innovations in tourism with innovations in ecological tourism. Some specific features of eco-innovations in tourism and factors stimulating innovative activity are under view. The necessity of state support for ecologically oriented innovative tourism business activity is substantiated. The potential lines of state activity aimed at eco-innovations incentives in tourism are offered.


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Author Biography

Svetlana I. Mishulina, Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia)

PhD in Economics


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How to Cite

Mishulina С. И. (2020). Improvement directions of the state stimulation system of eco-innovations in tourism industry. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(3/90), 69–85.

