Eco-friendly concept in Russian and foreign hotel business practice: A comparative analysis


  • Liliya L. Dukhovnaya Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)



eco-friendly, eco-labeling, hotels, chain hotels, Green Key program, Leaf of Life program


In the modern world, foreign public and business structures have accumulated significant experience in the implementation and use of innovative environmental technologies. Implementation of these projects is possible based on a powerful material and technical base of hotel enterprises and a stable economic situation in the country. Currently, the depth of the studying the environmental issues and the scale implementing eco-friendly technologies in our country relative to world leaders are quite small. In particular a significant number of domestic entrepreneurs and small hotels do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase modern equipment, construction and materials, as well as to use service technologies, meeting international quality and safety standards. Big size of the territory of our country forms in the minds of a modern inhabitant a kind of illusion of the inexhaustibility of natural resources. Despite the crisis period in the hospitality industry, the eco-friendly concept cannot lose its relevance, since at any stage of the economic development of society, health will always be at the forefront as the main life quality criterion for population. For many years, environmental technologies in the practice of the hotel business have been an important factor in increasing the competitiveness of a hotel company, its successful financial and economic activities. In this article, the author provides a comparative description of environmental technologies in foreign and Russian hotel business, analyzing the implementation of these technologies in the network and non-network hotel business.


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Author Biography

Liliya L. Dukhovnaya, Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Dukhovnaya Л. Л. (2020). Eco-friendly concept in Russian and foreign hotel business practice: A comparative analysis. Services in Russia and Abroad, 14(2/89), 51–62.

