ESG-transformation of the tourism and hotel industry


  • Mikhail A. Morozov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian New University (Moscow, Russia)
  • Natalia S. Morozova Russian New University (Moscow, Russia)



tourism, hospitality, sustainable development, ESG concept, competitiveness, attractiveness, responsible financing


The article discusses the ESG-principles of economic development, which fully meet the concept of sustainable development. The key indicators of modern entrepreneurship are a responsible attitude to the environment (E-criterion), compliance with the social responsibility of business (S-criterion), and high-quality company management (G-criterion). Many enterprises from various industries already share ESG principles and actively use them in their activities. International rating agencies develop ESG ratings of companies that show the degree of commitment of enterprises to these principles. Russian agencies also form ESG ratings for domestic companies. However, this does not apply to enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry, which have not yet been imbued with the ideas of ESG transformation and are not represented in the ratings. The article identifies the reasons that will contribute to the active ESG transformation of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry, including changes in the policy of providing responsible investments mainly to companies with a high ESG rating, ensuring the competitiveness and attractiveness of Russian enterprises in the tourism and hospitality industry in the world market services.


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Author Biographies

Mikhail A. Morozov , Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian New University (Moscow, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor

Natalia S. Morozova, Russian New University (Moscow, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Morozov М. А., & Morozova Н. С. (2022). ESG-transformation of the tourism and hotel industry. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(2/99), 86–93.

