Platform employment development in the Russian Federation


  • Veronica V. Verna Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea); Sevastopol Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Sevastopol)
  • Marina N. Hoyna V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea)



platform employment, digital economy, labor relations, self-employment, online platforms


The article examines the essence of platform employment, its impact on the economy of the state and the quality of working life in terms of prospects for the development of the social sphere. The popularity and importance of platform employment as a segment of the platform economy is increasing. Online platforms are guided by the individual preferences and life circumstances of applicants when they provide a job. Therefore, online platforms determine the need for significant transformations at the state level. This type of employment mainly considers social aspects related to the creation of favorable working conditions and the development of human capital. The factors influencing the development of platform employment, as well as the opportunities that online services provide to employees are identified. Changes in the business paradigm and employment model in the Russian labor market are considered. The fundamentals of legislation regulating the work of persons providing services through using online platforms are given. The advantages and disadvantages of platform employment of the state economy and for employees are determined. The situation of platform employment in Russia is characterized, its growth points are indicated and problems requiring further research are identified. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and sanctions pressure on the development of platform employment has been studied, the main trends in the development of digital labor platforms in these conditions have been systematized. The conclusion is made about the relevance of the development of platform employment and the need to improve legislation regulating the issues of social protection and provision of platform workers.


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Author Biographies

Veronica V. Verna, Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea); Sevastopol Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Sevastopol)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Marina N. Hoyna, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea)

Master Degree student


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How to Cite

Verna В. В., & Hoyna М. Н. (2022). Platform employment development in the Russian Federation. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(5/102), 66–74.




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