Hotel industry as an element of the tourist and recreational system: Features of effective management


  • Matvey S. Oborin Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm Institute (branch); Perm State National Research University; Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov (Perm, Russia)



hospitality industry, territorial public systems, territorial recreational systems, development potential, effective management


The hotel industry is formed in a complex system of regional economic relationships and trends in demand for tourist and recreational services. The quantitative potential for the hotel enterprises development is limited by the boundaries of the territory, resources and objects of natural origin that have cognitive and cultural value. This article discusses the features of effective management of the hotel industry enterprises, taking into account its role in the tourist and recreational system of the region and the territorial public system. Within the framework of the study of the hospitality industry, the essence of territorial recreational systems is analyzed. It is revealed that the effectiveness of management depends not only on external and internal factors, but also on the appropriateness of using certain mechanisms through which the process of making and implementing management decisions contributes to achieving goals. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of effective management of the hotel industry as an element of the tourist and recreational system. The main research methods are the analysis and modeling of socio-economic and managerial processes. As a result of the study, it was determined that the hotel industry is an element of more complex systems that are focused on the tourist and recreational needs of a person, and form the potential for the development of hotel services.


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Author Biography

Matvey S. Oborin, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm Institute (branch); Perm State National Research University; Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov (Perm, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Oborin М. С. (2021). Hotel industry as an element of the tourist and recreational system: Features of effective management. Services in Russia and Abroad, 15(4/96), 192–200.

