The concept of ethnoecological tourism in Russian practices


  • Irina V. Barashok Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia)
  • Liudmila N. Derkacheva Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia)



ecological tourism, ethnic tourism, ethno-ecological tourism, natural environment, cultural landscape, ethno-ecological tourism product


The problem of preserving the pristine nature and cultural landscape of indigenous peoples living in remote places of traditional nature management is becoming more acute with the economic development of territories by man. The solution to this problem is possible through the integrated approach combining both environmental and ethnic aspects. It is the ethno-ecological tourism demonstrates the close relationship between the ethnic group and the natural environment and ability to live in harmony with nature. However, in the scientific community there is no generally accepted definition of ethno-ecological tourism. In tourism practice, this type of tourism is not yet so widespread, represented by ecological and ethnic tours. The article provides a brief overview of sources that present different approaches to understanding the definition of ecological and ethnic tourism. The examples of the indigenous peoples’ traditional culture of the Far East prove that the way of life of an ethnic group (economic activity, material and spiritual culture) is determined by the surrounding nature. The ethno-ecological tourism in Far East region is located in 3 historical and ethnographic zones. The authors consider resource base of this type of tourism. The ethno-ecological tourism development is represented by such areas as ethnographic complexes, ethno-villages, ethno-parks, ethnographic centers and museums. Ethnographic complexes, ethnographic villages, ethnographic centers and museums have become widespread in the Far East region. The problem of preserving the natural environment and the habitat of the indigenous population can be addresses through a comprehensive approach to the ethno-ecological tourism organization. It implies partnerships among all interested parties, involving and training locals for this type of tourism.


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Author Biographies

Irina V. Barashok, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia)

PhD in History

Liudmila N. Derkacheva, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Barashok И. В., & Derkacheva Л. Н. (2022). The concept of ethnoecological tourism in Russian practices. Services in Russia and Abroad, 16(5/102), 48–55.

